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Midjourney、DALL-E AI绘画提示词指南:250个提示词启发创意

2023-03-23 17:13 · 稿源:站长之家用户

什么是文本到图像的提示? AI绘画生成器Midjourney和DALL-E都是基于自然语言描述(文本到图像的提示)中生成逼真视觉和艺术的人工智能系统。他们使用文本-图像的数据集,对GPT-3的120亿参数版本进行了训练,以从文本描述中生成图像。

以下是帮助初学者开始使用AI艺术生成器的提示词(Prompt )列表。 下面一起来看看可以帮助你生成优秀绘画作品的文本到图像提示(Prompt )案例。


Prompt #1

earth reviving after human extinction, a new beginning, nature taking over buildings, animal kingdom, harmony, peace, earth balanced --version3--s1250--uplight --ar4:3--no text, blur

earth reviving after human extinction

Prompt #2

earth after human extinction, a new beginning, nature taking back the planet, harmony, peace, earth balanced --version3--s42000--uplight --ar4:3--no text, blur, people, humans, pollution

earth after human extinction

Prompt #3

Freeform ferrofluids, beautiful dark chaos, swirling black frequency --ar3:4--iw9--q2--s1250

Freeform ferrofluids, beautiful dark chaos

Prompt #4

a home built in a huge Soap bubble, windows, doors, porches, awnings, middle of SPACE, cyberpunk lights, Hyper Detail,8K, HD, Octane Rendering, Unreal Engine, V-Ray, full hd -- s5000--uplight --q3--stop80--w0.5--ar1:3

a home built in a huge Soap bubble

Prompt #5

photo of an extremely cute alien fish swimming an alien habitable underwater planet, coral reefs, dream-like atmosphere, water, plants, peaceful, serenity, calm ocean, tansparent water, reefs, fish, coral, inner peace, awareness, silence, nature, evolution --version3--s42000--uplight --ar4:3--no text, blur

photo of an extremely cute alien fish swimming an alien

Top5AI Prompt Marketplaces and Hubs: World Database Search Prompts

Prompt #6

ossuary cemetary segmented shelves overgrown, graveyard, vertical shelves, zdzisław beksiński, hr giger, mystical occult symbol in real life, high detail, green fog --ar9:16--iw1

ossuary cemetary segmented shelves overgrown

Prompt #7

Rubber Duck Aliens visiting the Earth for the first time, hyper-realistic, cinematic, detailed --ar16:9

Rubber Duck Aliens visiting the Earth for the first time

Prompt #8

noir detective mr. Rubber Duck. Smoke, rain, moustache and bravery. He can solve any puzzle. But can't beat his inner demons. Expressive dark matte gouche painting. --ar4:5

noir detective mr. Rubber Duck. Smoke, rain, moustache and bravery

Prompt #9

Reunion of man, team, squad, cyberpunk, abstract, full hd render +3d octane render +4k UHD + immense detail + dramatic lighting + well lit + black, purple, blue, pink, cerulean, teal, metallic colours, + fine details + octane render +8k

Reunion of man, team, squad, cyberpunk, abstract, full hd render

Prompt #10

rubber duck duke ellington. Harlem jazz club. Singing. Mic. Ambience

rubber duck duke ellington. Harlem jazz club. Singing. Mic. Ambience

Prompt #11

surreal blueish monk, dodecahedron for his head, amazing details, hyperrealistic photograph, octane made of billions of intricate small houses, GODLIKE, bokeh, photography on mars, cinematic lighting, --ar9:21

surreal blueish monk, dodecahedron for his head

Prompt #12

2medieval warriors ::0.4travelling on a cliff to a background castle , view of a coast line landscape , English coastline, Irish coastline, scottish coastline, perspective, folklore, King Arthur, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones. Photographic, Photography, photorealistic, concept art, Artstation trending , cinematic lighting, cinematic composition, rule of thirds , ultra-detailed, dusk sky , low contrast, natural lighting, fog, realistic, light fogged, detailed, atmosphere hyperrealistic , volumetric light, ultra photoreal, |35mm| , Matte painting, movie concept art, hyper-detailed, insanely detailed, corona render, octane render,8k, --ar3:1--no blur

2 medieval warriors ::0.4 travelling on a cliff to a background castle

Prompt #13



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