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2022-10-24 15:51 · 稿源:站长之家




  • Sci fi living room engine room, electric wallpaper, unreal engine5tech demo, zillow interior, cool tint, metallic reflective, octane render, Frank Lloyd Wright ((Studio Ghibli))

  • a king size bed with a white bed set in a futuristic space ship with windows looking into outer space, beautiful lighting photograph

  • a futuristic luxury white bedroom with ceiling high windows looking out to a cyberpunk cityscape, flying cars, night time, neon lights, cinematic3d render, unreal engine5, cgsociety

  • « inside a girl room, cyberpunk vibe, neon glowing lights, sharp focus, photorealistic, unreal engine5, girl in the bed, window that shows the skyscrapers in the background »

  • mini house inside crystal ball octane render hyperdetailed,

  • room with computer interfaces on the floor, ceiling and walls, dimly illuminated by led lights, octane render, ray - tracing,4k,33mm

  • a futuristic bedroom with large curved ceiling high windows looking out to a far future cyberpunk cityscape, cyberpunk neon lights, raining, scifi

  • the jetson's living room view, photorealistic,

  • an ultra wide angle photo of a bed hovering above the floor in the middle of a giant bedroom with windows opening to other worlds by casey weldon and lee madgewick, photorealistic, octane render, recursive, flowing, cascading, multiverse, labyrinthine

  • small single bedroom inside space ship with round window looking into space, gray metallic walls, style of engine factory room,1960s, science fiction, ultra realistic,4k.

  • A futuristic living room with floor to ceiling glass windows on the left and curved wooden stairs going upstairs on the right, two white sofas with a white marble table in the center of the living room, stairs to the second floor, in a large glass dome,8k resolution, professional interior design photograph, wide angle photograph

  • highly detailed interior, high end design, real estate photography, mike kelly,4k,8k, global illumination, minimalist

  • A room with futuristic furniture, wallpaper on the walls, highly detailed, high definition, sharp focus,

  • a photo of a bed floating above the floor in the middle of a giant tesselating room with windows opening to multiple dimensions by casey weldon by thomas blackshear, octane render, recursive, flowing, cascading, multiverse, labyrinthine

  • apartment designed by nate berkus, retro70s colors

  • A modern living room with2sofas facing each other with a white marble table in the center, on the left side of the living room there is a floor to ceiling glass window while on the right side of the living room there are wooden stairs that lead to the second floor,8k resolution

  • architecture render of a beautiful modern living room with wood floors, large windows with a beautiful view, an area rug, forest, mountains, realistic, hd,8k, digital rendering, unreal engine, blender, octane, maya


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