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PuTTY 0.77 - 知名SSH/Telnet 程序

2022-05-27 17:15 · 稿源: cnbeta

知名SSH/Telnet 程序PuTTY 0.75 发布,带来了安全修正、证书和协议升级。PuTTY 是一款集成虚拟终端、系统控制台和网络文件传输为一体的自由开源程序。它支持多种网络协议,包括SCP,SSH,Telnet,rlogin 和原始的套接字连接,它也可以连接到串行端口。其软件名字“PuTTY”并没有特殊含义。





PuTTY 0.77:

Major improvements to network proxy support:

Support for interactively prompting the user if the proxy server requires authentication.

Built-in support for proxying via another SSH server, so that PuTTY will SSH to the proxy and then automatically forward a port through it to the destination host. (Similar to runningplink -ncas a subprocess, but more convenient to set up, and allows you to answer interactive prompts presented by the proxy.)

Support for HTTP Digest authentication, when talking to HTTP proxies.

Introducedpterm.exe, a PuTTY-like wrapper program for Windows command prompts (or anything else running in a Windows console). Not yet included in the installer, but available as a.exefile from the Download page.

Updated Unicode and bidi support to Unicode 14.0.0.

New command-line option-pwfile, like-pwexcept that it reads the password from a file so that it doesn’t show up on the command line.

Windows Pageant: option--openssh-configto allow easy interoperation with Windows’sssh.exe.

-pw(and-pwfile) now do not fall back to interactively prompting for a password if the provided password fails. (That was the original intention.)

New configuration options for keyboard handling:

Option to control handling of Shift + arrow keys

Extra mode in the function-keys option, for modern xterm (v216 and above).

Bug workaround flag to wait for the server’s SSH greeting before sending our own, for servers (or proxies) that lose outgoing data before seeing any incoming data.

Crypto update: added side-channel resistance in probabilistic RSA key generation.

Crypto update: retired the use of short Diffie-Hellman exponents (just in case).

Bug fix: reconfiguring remote port forwardings more than once no longer crashes.

Bug fix: terminal output processing is now paused while handling a remote-controlled terminal resize, so that the subsequent screen redraw is interpreted relative to the new terminal size instead of the old.

Bug fix: Windows PuTTYgen’s mouse-based entropy collection now handles high-frequency mice without getting confused.

Bug fix: Windows Pageant can now handle large numbers of concurrent connections without hanging or crashing.

Bug fix: if Windows Pageant is started multiple times simultaneously, the instances should reliably agree on one of them to be the persistent server.

Bug fix: remote-controlled changes of window title are now interpreted according to the configured character set.

Bug fix: remote-controlled changes of window title no longer get confused by UTF-8 characters whose encoding includes the byte 0x9C (which terminates the control sequence in non-UTF-8 contexts).

Bug fix: popping up the window context menu in the middle of a drag-select now no longer leaves the drag in a stuck state.

Bug fix: extensive use of true colour in the terminal no longer slows down window redraws unnecessarily.

Bug fix: when PSCP reports the server sending a disallowed compound pathname, it correctly reports the replacement name it’s using for the downloaded file.

Bug fix: enabling X11 forwarding inpsusanfailed to fall back through possible port numbers for the forwarded X display.

For developers: migrated the build system to CMake, removing the old idiosyncraticmkfiles.pland the autotools system.


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