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霍金开微博了!是该脑洞大开了 你最想问他什么问题?

2016-04-12 10:51 · 稿源:站长之家

站长之家(Chinaz.com)4月12日消息 霍金在新浪微博开通账号了,虽然难以置信,但的确是真的!其微博账号名为“史蒂芬霍金_StephenHawking”,这时候你尽管大开脑洞提问吧!

据悉,@史蒂芬霍金_StephenHawking为霍金教授的官方微博,该微博由霍金团队以及社交媒体公司Stradella Road共同管理维护,落款SH的内容均来自于霍金教授本人。



Greetings to my friends in China! It has been too long! I last visited China in 2006 when I took part in a physics conference in Beijing. It was an extraordinary experience. My first trip was in 1985 when I travelled across your remarkable country by train. In my physical travels, I have only been able to touch the surface of your fascinating history and culture. But now I can communicate with you through social media – and I hope to tell you more about my life and work through this page and also to learn from you in reply.

我的中国朋友们,你们好吗?好久不见了!我上次拜访中国是在2006年,当时在北京参加了一场物理会议,那次经历非常难忘。我的首次中国之旅是在1985 年,我那时候坐火车游历了你们雄伟的国度。这些旅行使我对博大精深的中国历史和文化略有了接触。不过现在,我可以通过社交媒体和你们交流了 —— 通过这个微博,我希望和你们分享我的生活趣事和工作心得,也希望能在互动中向你们学习。


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