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Stable Diffusion指南:100个值得收藏的Stable Diffusion提示

2023-03-17 14:53 · 稿源:站长之家用户

在文本生成图像模型 Stable Diffusion的帮助下,普通的小白都可以快速将他们的想法转化为艺术作品。

当然,前提是要完善自己的提示才能从 Stable Diffusion AI 获得不错的结果。用户所写的提示级别将直接影响图稿的细节级别和质量。

本文将跟大家分享100文本到图像Stable Diffusion提示案例,利用这些提示生成了绝佳的图像内容。通过参考这些提示无疑会在视觉上对您有所帮助。另外,你也可以尝试 Midjourney 或 DALL-E 上使用这些提示,或许将有意外的收获。

以下为100个令人惊叹的文本到图像Stable Diffusion提示及其结果(版权声明:图片均由Stable Diffusion工具生成,文中图片仅为参考使用,版权解释归Stable Diffusion所有。)


  • 最佳 AI 摄影提示
  • 最佳 AI 人像图像提示
  • 最佳 AI 概念艺术提示
  • 最佳 AI 建筑提示
  • 最佳 AI时尚风格提示
  • 最佳 AI3D 提示
  • 最佳 AI 视频游戏提示
  • 最佳 AI 图形设计提示
  • 最佳 AI 壁纸提示
  • 最佳 AI 电影风格提示

一、最佳AI 摄影提示

Prompt #1

Prompt: portrait photo of a asia old warrior chief, tribal panther make up, blue on red, side profile, looking away, serious eyes, 50mm portrait photography, hard rim lighting photography--beta --ar 2:3 --beta --upbeta --upbeta

Prompt: portrait photo of a asia old warrior chief, tribal panther make up, blue on red, side profile, looking away, serious eyes,50mm portrait photography, hard rim lighting photography–beta –ar2:3–beta –upbeta –upbeta

Prompt #2

Prompt: Keanu Reeves portrait photo of a asia old warrior chief, tribal panther make up, blue on red, side profile, looking away, serious eyes, 50mm portrait photography, hard rim lighting photography--beta --ar 2:3 --beta --upbeta --beta --upbeta --beta --upbeta

Prompt: Keanu Reeves portrait photo of a asia old warrior chief, tribal panther make up, blue on red, side profile, looking away, serious eyes,50mm portrait photography, hard rim lighting photography–beta –ar2:3–beta –upbeta –beta –upbeta –beta –upbeta

Prompt #3

portrait photo of a african old warrior chief, tribal panther make up, gold on white, side profile, looking away, serious eyes, 50mm portrait photography, hard rim lighting photography--beta --ar 2:3 --beta

portrait photo of a african old warrior chief, tribal panther make up, gold on white, side profile, looking away, serious eyes,50mm portrait photography, hard rim lighting photography–beta –ar2:3–beta

Prompt #4

priest, blue robes, 68 year old man, national geographic, portrait, photo, photography --s 625 --q 2 --iw 3

priest, blue robes,68year old man, national geographic, portrait, photo, photography –s625–q2–iw3

Prompt #5

ultrarealistic, (native american old woman ) portrait, cinematic lighting, award winning photo, no color, 80mm lense --beta --upbeta --upbeta

ultrarealistic, (native american old woman ) portrait, cinematic lighting, award winning photo, no color,80mm lense –beta –upbeta –upbeta

Prompt #6

portrait photo headshot by mucha, sharp focus, elegant, render, octane, detailed, award winning photography, masterpiece, rim lit

portrait photo headshot by mucha, sharp focus, elegant, render, octane, detailed, award winning photography, masterpiece, rim lit

Prompt #7

a vibrant professional studio portrait photography of a young, pale, goth, attractive, friendly, casual, delightful, intricate, gorgeous, female, piercing green eyes, wears a gold ankh necklace, femme fatale, nouveau, curated collection, annie leibovitz, nikon, award winning, breathtaking, groundbreaking, superb, outstanding, lensculture portrait awards, photoshopped, dramatic lighting, 8 k, hi res --testp --ar 3:4 --upbeta

a vibrant professional studio portrait photography of a young, pale, goth, attractive, friendly, casual, delightful, intricate, gorgeous, female, piercing green eyes, wears a gold ankh necklace, femme fatale, nouveau, curated collection, annie leibovitz, nikon, award winning, breathtaking, groundbreaking, superb, outstanding, lensculture portrait awards, photoshopped, dramatic lighting,8k, hi res –testp –ar3:4–upbeta

Prompt #8

medium shot side profile portrait photo of the Takeshi Kaneshiro warrior chief, tribal panther make up, blue on red, looking away, serious eyes, 50mm portrait, photography, hard rim lighting photography --ar 2:3 --beta --upbeta

medium shot side profile portrait photo of the Takeshi Kaneshiro warrior chief, tribal panther make up, blue on red, looking away, serious eyes,50mm portrait, photography, hard rim lighting photography –ar2:3–beta –upbeta

Prompt #9

gorgeous young Swiss girl sitting by window with headphones on, wearing white bra with translucent shirt over, soft lips, beach blonde hair, octane render, unreal engine, photograph, realistic skin texture, photorealistic, hyper realism, highly detailed, 85mm portrait photography, award winning, hard rim lighting photography--beta --ar 9:16 --s 5000 --testp --upbeta --upbeta --upbeta



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