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WinRAR 6.00 Beta 1 发布

2020-10-22 18:11 · 稿源: cnbeta

流行好用的压缩工具,支持鼠标拖放及外壳扩展,完美支持 ZIP 档案,内置程序可以解开 CAB、ARJ、LZH、TAR、GZ、UUE、BZ2、JAR、ISO 等多种类型的压缩文件。重要提示:因ACE模块重大漏洞,WinRAR从5.70 beta 1始不再支持ACE格式压缩档。



Version 6.0 beta 1

1. "Ignore" and "Ignore All" options are added to read error prompt.

"Ignore" allows to continue processing with already read file part

only and "Ignore All" does it for all future read errors.

For example, if you archive a file, which portion is locked by another

process, and if "Ignore" is selected in read error prompt,

only a part of file preceding the unreadable region will be saved

into archive.

It can help to avoid interrupting lengthy archiving operations,

though be aware that files archived with "Ignore" are incomplete.

If switch -y is specified, "Ignore" is applied to all files by default.

Previosuly available "Retry" and "Quit" options are still present

in read error prompt as well.

2. Exit code 12 is returned in the command line mode in case of read errors.

This code is returned for all options in the read error prompt,

including a newly introduced "Ignore" option.

Previously more common fatal error code 2 was returned for read errors.

3. If several archives are selected, "Extract archives to" option group

in "Options" page of extraction dialog can be used to place extracted

files to specified destination folder, to separate subfolders

in destination folder, to separate subfolders in archive folders

and directly to archive folders.

It replaces "Extract archives to subfolders" option and available

only if multiple archives are selected.

4. New -ad2 switch places extracted files directly to archive's own folder.

Unlike -ad1, it does not create a separate subfolder for each unpacked


5. "Additional switches" option in "Options" page of archiving

and extraction dialogs allows to specify WinRAR command line switches.

It might be useful if there is no option in WinRAR graphical interface

matching a switch.

Use this feature only if you are familiar with WinRAR command line

syntax and clearly understand what specified switches are intended for.

6. Compression parameters in "Benchmark" command are changed to

32 MB dictionary and "Normal" method. They match RAR5 default mode

and more suitable to estimate the typical performance of recent

WinRAR versions than former 4 MB "Best" intended for RAR4 format.

Latest "Benchmark" results cannot be compared with previous versions

directly. New parameters set produces different values, likely lower

because of eight times larger dictionary size.

7. When unpacking a part of files from solid volume set,

WinRAR attempts to skip volumes in the beginning and start

extraction from volume closest to specified file and with reset

solid statistics.

By default WinRAR resets the solid statistics in the beginning

of large enough solid volumes where possible. For such volumes

extracting a part of files from the middle of volume set can be

faster now.

It does not affect performance when all archived files are unpacked.

8. Previously WinRAR automatically resorted to extracting from

first volume, when user started extraction from non-first volume

and first volume was available. Now WinRAR does so only if all volumes

between first and specified are also available.

9. Warning is issued when closing WinRAR if one or more archived files

had been modified by external apps, but failed to be saved back to

archive, because an external app still locks them. Such warning

includes the list of modified files and proposes to quit immediately

and lose changes or return to WinRAR and close an editor app.

Previous versions issued a similar warning while editing a file,

but did not remind it again when quitting.

10. "Move to Recycle Bin" option in "Delete archive" options group

of extraction dialog places deleted archives to Recycle Bin

instead of deleting them permanently.

11. New "Clear history..." command in "Options" menu allows to remove

names of recently opened archives in "File" menu and clear drop down

lists with previously entered values in dialogs. For example,

these values include archive names in archiving dialog

and destination paths in extraction dialog.

12. "File time" options in "Advanced" part of extraction dialog are

now available for 7z archives. Additionally to modification time,

WinRAR can set creation and last access time when unpacking such


13. ""New" submenu items" options group is added to

"Settings/Integration/Context menu items..." dialog. You can use

these options to remove "WinRAR archive" and "WinRAR ZIP archive"

entries in "New" submenu of Windows context menu.

New state of these option is applied only after you press "OK"

both in "Context menu items" and its parent "Settings" dialog.

14. ,andcommands can be inserted before the program

name in SFX "Setup" command to run a program in maximized,

minimized or hidden window. For example:


15. It is possible to specify an additional high resolution logo

for SFX module. If such logo is present, SFX module scales

and displays it in high DPI Windows mode, providing the better visible

quality compared to resizing the standard logo.

Use "High resolution SFX logo" in "Advanced SFX options" dialog

to define such logo. In command line mode add second -iimg switch

to set the high resolution logo.

Recommended size of high resolution logo PNG file is 186x604 pixels.

16. If archive currently opened in WinRAR shell was deleted or moved

by another program, WinRAR displays "Inaccessible" before archive name

in the window title. Also it flashes the window caption and taskbar


17. "Total information" option in "Report" dialog is renamed to

"Headers and totals". Now it also adds headers of report columns

additionally to total information about listed files and archives.

18. If archive processing is started from Windows context menu

in multiple monitor system, WinRAR operation progress and dialogs

use the monitor with context menu.

While basic multiple monitor support was present in previous versions

shell extension for mouse driven commands, now it is extended to

operations initiated from keyboard and to dropping files to archives.

19. New -imon switch allows to select a monitor to display

WinRAR operation progress and dialogs in the command line mode.

Use -imon1 for primary and -imon2 for secondary monitor.

For example, "WinRAR x -imon2 arcname" will start extraction

on secondary monitor.

It works only in the command line mode and does not affect

interactive WinRAR graphical inteface also as console RAR.

20. Switch -idn hides archived names output in archiving, extraction

and some other commands in console RAR. Other messages and total

percentage are not affected.

You can use this switch to reduce visual clutter and console output

overhead when archiving or extracting a lot of small files.

Minor visual artifacts, such as percentage indicator overwriting

few last characters of error messages, are possible with -idn.

21. Former "-im - show more information" switch is changed to

"-idv - display verbose output" for consistency with console RAR

-id[c,d,p,q] message control options and avoid a potential name

conflict with newer -imon switch.

While WinRAR still recognizes both -im and -idv, in the future

-im support can be dropped.

22. It is allowed to add an optional %arcname% variable to compression

profile name. Such variable will be replaced with actual archive name.

It might be convenient when using with "Add to context menu" profile

option. For example, you can create ZIP compression profile

and set its name to "Add to %arcname%", to display it with actual

ZIP archive name in context menu.

23. Ctrl+C and Ctrl+Ins keyboard shortcuts can be used

in "Diagnostic messages" window to copy contents to clipboard.

24. More text is allowed in tray icon hint before a lengthy text

is truncated. Also such text is now truncated in the middle of string,

so both command type and completion percentage are still visible.

25. In case of clean install, if previous version compression profiles

are not present, "Files to store without compression" field

in newly created predefined compression profiles is set to:

*.rar *.zip *.cab *.7z *.ace *.arj *.bz2 *.gz *.lha *.lzh

*.taz *.tgz *.xz *.txz

You can change this field and save a modified value to compression

profile later.

Previous versions set this field to blank for clean install.

26. Destination path history in extraction dialog treats paths like

'folder' and 'folder\' as the same path and displays only 'folder'

entry. Previously they occupied two entries in the history.

27. "Enable Itanium executable compression" GUI option and -mci command

line switch are removed. Optimized compression of Itanium executables

is not supported anymore. WinRAR still can decompress already existing

archives utilizing Itanium executable compression.

28. Bugs fixed:

a) "Lock", "Comment" and "Protect" commands could not be applied

to several archives selected in WinRAR file list at once;

b) SFX archive process did not terminate after completing

extraction in Windows 10 if archive comment included "Setup"

and "SetupCode" commands, did not include "TempMode" command

and setup program was running for more than 8 minutes;

c) compression profiles with quote character in profile name

could not be invoked from Explorer context menu.


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